Scientific Journal of Information System 2024-10-31T03:05:46+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>The Scientific Journal of Information Systems (JISI) aims to provide scientific literature specifically on studies of applied research in information systems (IS) and a public review of the development of theory, methods, and applied sciences related to the subject. The journal facilitates not only local researchers but also international researchers to publish their works exclusively in English.</p> <table width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="20%">Journal Name</td> <td width="60%"><strong>: Scientific Journal of Information System</strong></td> <td rowspan="9" valign="top" width="20%"><img src=";user=IuVxpTQAAAAJ&amp;citpid=1" alt="Scientific Journal of Information System (JISI)" width="154" height="217" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Frequency of Publication</td> <td width="60%"><strong>: In one year, there are two publications, namely in April and October.</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">e-ISSN</td> <td width="60%"><strong>: <a href="">3046-711X</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="60%"><strong>: Lukas Umbu Zogara, M.Kom.</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="60%"><strong>: Universitas Utpadaka Swastika</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Citation Analysis</td> <td width="60%"><strong>: <a href=";hl=en&amp;authuser=6">Google Scholar </a><br /></strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> THE EFFECT OF ADOPTING KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE 2024-10-07T04:13:11+00:00 Fajar Muttaqi <p>There has been a shift in the needs of people and organizations that were originally material needs, now they are information needs. Especially the current workers, showing that 70% of workers there are knowledge workers and make knowledge the most useful resource at present. This study uses a quantitative approach with knowledge management independent variables consisting of people, knowledge sharing and technology and the dependent variable, namely employee performance. Sample&nbsp;was done&nbsp;by random sampling methods and sampling proportional&nbsp;technique, and the total sample produced was 70 people. The test uses validity, reliability and data analysis tests using&nbsp;ANOVA.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal of Information System WEB BASED INTERNAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM A DESIGN AND PROTOTYPING 2024-10-07T07:05:24+00:00 Dhimas Buing Rindi Widra Yato Zulham Hidayat <p>Improving the quality of education in higher education institutions is crucial to support the development of human resources and the progress of the nation. Utpadaka Swastika University, as one of the higher education institutions in Indonesia, is committed to producing high-quality and competitive graduates. To ensure this quality, an effective and efficient internal quality assurance system (SPMI) is necessary. This research aims to design and build an internal quality assurance system based on the web using PHP and MySQL at Utpadaka Swastika University with the prototyping method. Software testing is conducted through Black Box Testing. This internal quality assurance system aims to ensure the quality of higher education provided by universities through the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education, in order to realize the vision and meet the needs of stakeholders. The achievement of quality assurance goals through the internal quality assurance system will be accredited through external quality assurance systems. This system can assist in presenting document information accessible to program heads, leaders, auditors, administrators, and quality assurance body (LPM) leaders. It facilitates program heads in the process of collecting and submitting documents for evaluation and audit instruments, allowing the LPM to directly identify issues and quality standards in the internal quality assurance process. This system is expected to be used as a reference for further development of an Internal Quality Assurance System so that the system can have better features. </p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal of Information System DETECT CLASSIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES TENDING TO MOVE WORK WITH THE NAIVE BAYES ALGORITHM 2024-10-15T05:00:00+00:00 Lukas Umbu Zogara <p style="text-align: justify;">In recent years due to economic conditions and the uncertain situation of a country, many employees with a certain level of education, work experience and different countries in development and the level of income per capita of a country and several other factors cause many employees to move to a new place. the. Because there are many factors that cause employees to move careers and advances in information technology also make it difficult to predict what factors affect decision-making employees to move to work to new places. Therefore, it is necessary to know what factors and conditions or what are the employees so that they have a tendency to move to work so that the company can prevent, anticipate and immediately seek other solutions early if this condition must occur from its employees. Based on the problems described, this study discusses the classification of employees who have a tendency to change workplaces using the Naive Bayes algorithm. The goal is expected to identify the dominant factors in influencing employees to change workplaces. From the results of the research conducted by Naive Bayes, it was found that 3 dominant factors were influencing, namely the STEM area of expertise, the size of the company size and the level of education as well as the accuracy level of 80.79% and AUC 0.816.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal of Information System UTILIZING LED USAGE ON FORTIMANAGER DEVICE AS A SOFTWARE MONITORING INDICATOR FOR FORTINET ACCESS POINTS 2024-10-19T11:04:54+00:00 Moh Alfaujianto <p>In today's digital era, stable connectivity and fast troubleshooting are crucial to support corporate, academic, and research activities. One important component in network infrastructure is the access point (AP) which functions to provide a wireless connection. With the large number of Access Points (AP) provided by campuses or offices, it is required to be easy to monitor and troubleshoot all Access Point (AP) devices.</p> <p>Fortigate, as a solution provider, offers access point and switch monitoring features using LED Usage. This study aims to explain how access point monitoring can be implemented effectively through the FortiManager device and is important to ensure that network devices are functioning properly.</p> <p>FortiManager devices can monitor switches that are connected with active or inactive status, how many active access points are on each switch are monitored, all of which clients are connected to the network can be monitored. Thus, FortiManager devices are very much needed by administrators and network technical teams to facilitate monitoring and troubleshooting.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal of Information System OPTIMIZATION OF GYM CHECK IN AND MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION SYSTEM QR CODE SCANNER BASED 2024-10-07T07:06:48+00:00 Nurul Badriah Sony Veri Shandy <p>The development of information technology provides opportunities to improve operational efficiency in various fields, including membership management at gyms. A QR code scanner-based information system is an effective solution for managing gym member check in. Users can check in simply by scanning a QR code that is linked to their membership data. This system not only facilitates the attendance process but also helps managers monitor the number of member check in, remaining attendance quota, and attendance time. This researcaims to design and implement a QR code scanner-based check in system at the gym, as well as analyze the impact of the system on operational efficiency.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Scientific Journal of Information System